What is a Ducatus Coin?

Ducatus coins are used instead of cash for various types of transactions, whether for the purchase or sale of products, or also for services.

This cryptocurrency is a cryptographically coded virtual currency which, in contrast to physical currencies such as the euro or dollar, exists almost solely in the virtual world.

Coding techniques are used in order to regulate the creation of currency units, validate transactions and verify the transfer of value units. No third party, such as a bank, a credit card company or a trustee is required in the process.

Such cryptographic coding techniques distinguish themselves as being extremely forgery-proof. Moreover, in cryptocurrency transactions, the buyer controls the time at which the payment is to be performed as well as the information made available to the seller.

Perhaps the most appealing characteristic of cryptocurrency is its decentrality. This means that this currency is neither controlled nor issued by a central bank or any other central authority. This makes it insensitive, to a high extent, to interventions by the State. Cryptocurrency is already used, in part, as a means of payment for various goods and services in everyday life.

The value of a digital currency is strongly linked to supply and demand. It is not secured by asset values or guarantees issued by the State. Its price is created by public trade on private stock exchanges. The value of a cryptocurrency is also influenced by its usage, its technological basis as well as the demand for it. These key figures also help verify its quality and sustainability.

The cryptocurrency technology is future-oriented and makes it possible to carry out transactions on the global level in a relatively simple, affordable and fast manner.
